Selected tab:
  • Our Commitment Towards Environment
  • Making The Workplace Safe And Healthy
  • Seashell Logistics Initiative
Our Commitment Towards Environment

Our teams are continually researching and developing ways to make changes that will be positive on the environment without compromising operational standards. Our commitment to environmentally-friendly operating practices is demonstrated through the following objectives:

  • Complying with or exceeding all applicable governmental regulations.
  • Implementing waste management practices and promoting waste reduction and recycling, and making environmentally conscious purchasing decisions.
  • Reducing and preventing pollution, including minimizing travel by promoting telework and alternative commuting options.
  • Promoting the development and use of sustainable facilities, continuously striving for greener buildings and workplaces.
  • Researching and employing new solutions for our work centers, through oversight from the Seashell Board, to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  • Greater material recyclability.
  • Greater use of renewable resources.
  • Integration of environmental management tools into business plans, including life-cycle assessment and costing, environmental management standards, and eco-labeling.
  • Thriving for paperless and truthful advertising.
  • Establishing ecofriendly procedure for dealing with consumer complaints.
Making The Workplace Safe And Healthy

To make the work premises safe and healthy place to work, we :

  • Make sure that place is properly ventilated, with clean and fresh air.
  • Keep temperatures at a comfortable level.
  • Illuminate premises with bright lights so that employees can work and move about safely.
  • Keep the workplace and equipment clean.
  • Ensure that areas are big enough to allow easy movement (at least 11 cubic meters per person).
  • Provide workstations to suit the employees and their work.
  • Keep the equipment in good working order.
  • Make floors, walkways and stairs safe to use.
  • Protect people from falling from height or into dangerous substances.
  • Store things properly so they're unlikely to fall and cause injuries.
  • Fit open able windows, doors and gates with safety devices if needed.
  • Provide suitable washing facilities and clean drinking water.
  • Set aside areas for rest breaks and to eat meals, including suitable facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Let employees take appropriate rest breaks and their correct holiday entitlement.
  • Make sure that employees who work alone, or off-site, can do so safely and healthily.
  • Have installed surveillance cameras all around the premises for overall safety.
  • Have set proper sanitation guidelines inside the premises for health benefits.
  • Provide First Aid medication if required.
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